Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 Movie) - 1/4 Scale Action Figures - Baby Turtles Set

by Neca
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From the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie!

After wading in a puddle of radioactive waste, these radical reptiles are transformed into New York City’s greatest crime-fighting quartet! The Baby Turtles are still tiny but ready to train with their master Splinter. These detailed, posable figures stand 4” tall, making them perfectly in scale with NECA’s 1/4 scale TMNT action figure line, and they come with plenty of accessories.

The set includes 4 Baby Turtles, pizza box, 4 slices of pizza, and bag of corn chips, plus a cool bonus—nunchuks and alternate nunchuk-spinning hand for NECA’s 1/4 Scale Michelangelo Action Figure (figure sold separately). Window box packaging. Ages 14+.

Warning: This product is intended for the mature collector. It may contain small parts, sharp points or other hazardous elements not suitable for children under the age of 14 years old.

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